Ownership of the Site
This site is an official website of the company Bigben Interactive S.A. It is published and run by the company Bigben Interactive S.A, hereinafter Bigben Interactive.
The company Bigben Interactive S.A. is also the owner of the following official websites:
These are websites published and run by the company Bigben Interactive S.A, or by companies of the Bigben Interactive Group.
You will find a subsidiary or partner of the Bigben Interactive group in each country mentioned in a banner on the site. Please feel free to contact them to get information on our products or answers to any questions you may have on our Group.
a public limited company with capital of 19,615,522 Euros, registered in the Lille companies register under number 320 992 977,
having its registered address at:
396, Rue de la Voyette
CS 90414
59818 Lesquin Cedex – France
Telephone: (+33) (0)3 20 90 72 00
Publication Director
Mr. Alain Falc
Design and production
Mrs. Isabelle Houzet
PLC with capital of €10,000,000
RCS Roubaix – Tourcoing 424 761 419 00045
Code APE 6202A
VAT No.: FR 22 424 761 419
Registered address: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.
Publication Director: Octave KLABA
Please read all these Terms & Conditions carefully before using our website as they can impose legal obligations upon you. By accessing this website and its contents, you acknowledge having read the information contained herein and agreed to be bound by the present Terms & Conditions in full.
You will find the conditions relating to use of the website by clicking on the following links
We would be delighted to hear your opinion or comments on our website. You can pass them on, as well as any questions pertaining to these terms of use or the contents of the website, at the following address:
The conditions and contents of this website are protected by copyright as well as, when applicable, registered intellectual property rights.
© 2010-2015 Bigben Interactive – All rights reserved
The website has been designed with all due care.
Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the accuracy and exhaustive nature of the information therein. All information and content of the website are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis.
For any question or request for the rectification of information relating to the content of the website, please send an e-mail to the following address:
1. As a result from the above, Bigben Interactive, its affiliates, agents and/or suppliers, officers, directors, and employees shall not be liable for any material errors that may be found in the contents of this site despite the utmost care taken in its publication. Bigben expressly disclaim any and all warranties, whether express or implied, regarding any errors or omissions in the information and content of the website, including but not limited to technical inaccuracies and typographical errors.
2. Neither shall Bigben Interactive be liable for any direct or indirect damage that may result from the use or consultation of the website. In particular, Bigben Interactive does not warrant that software, information and content, or materials in the website are accurate, complete, reliable, timely, current, error-free, or otherwise reliable, or that the services are free of viruses or other harmful components. Any reliance on or use by you of any information and content shall be entirely at your own risk.
3. Also, we cannot guarantee the quality of the images and photographs published on the website, and must inform our visitors that minor colour changes may occur depending of the quality of their computer screen.
4. We put our best efforts to provide a good quality access to the website. Nevertheless, the website may be temporarily interrupted for legitimate reasons, such as the updating of content, maintenance or due to human or mechanical error. Bigben Interactive declines all responsibility for any consequences of a temporary interruption of access to the website, especially unavailability of the services, as well as problems or malfunction of phone lines, computer on-line systems, servers, internet access providers, computer equipment, software, or any combination thereof, including without limitation any injury or damage to your computer as a result of using the website.
5. Bigben Interactive may, at any time, modify the contents of the website in terms of products, formats, descriptions, product details, prices and other contents therein.
6. The user is also informed that some products referred to on websites of the Bigben Interactive group may not be available in a specific country. Bigben Interactive shall not be liable if one of these products is not available at a given time, in a specific country, despite being referenced on the corresponding website.
Applicable laws may prohibit the exclusions of liability herein. In this event, all warranties, terms and conditions, express or implied by statute, common law or otherwise, are excluded to the maximum extent permitted under applicable laws. The mandatory provisions set forth by applicable laws will then affect only the part of these mentions affected by it. The remainder will, on the other hand, remain applicable in full.
Privacy Policy
Users of the website (hereinafter “users”) are informed that, when browsing the website, some of their personal information may be collected and processed by Bigben Interactive.
Pursuant to the French Data Processing Act no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, as amended in 2004, this processing has been subject to a declaration to the Commission nationale de l’informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), the French board responsible for enforcing data protection laws, under number 1461518.
Through this declaration, Bigben Interactive undertakes to respect the private life of people using the website, as well as to ensure the confidentiality of information provided by users, in line with regulations in force relating to the protection of personal data and information.
Personal information collected on the website result from the voluntary disclosure of information via forms in the “contact” section of the site.
This information is collected in a fair and lawful way for Bigben Interactive internal use, and is subject to computer processing aimed mainly at answering the questions of users and personalising their visit to the website.
It is collected with the sole aim of meeting the needs and expectations of our customers, and will not be used for any other purpose than that for which it was collected. It is kept in a form enabling the identification of the people concerned for a period which shall not exceed the period necessary for the purposes it was collected and processed for.
This information may nevertheless be kept for security purpose and for respecting our legal and regulatory obligations.
Bigben Interactive undertakes to take all the necessary precautions to ensure that your personal information is not forwarded to third parties. Users are nevertheless informed that this information may be shared with other third party companies with which we have a relationship, or to other entities in the Bigben Interactive group, within the strict limit of that necessary to process your orders and requests.
Pursuant to the aforementioned Data Processing Act, you have a right of access, rectification, amendment and deletion of your information. You may exercise this right at any time by sending a letter to the following address: Service Internet, BIGBEN INTERACTIVE, 396 Rue de la Voyette CRT 2 – FRETIN CS 90414, 59818 Lesquin Cedex – France CEDEX, France or an e-mail to the following address
Pursuant to the aforementioned Data Processing Act, you may also, for good reason, oppose the processing of this personal information.
The insertion of any hyperlink providing access to the website must be subject to the express and prior authorisation of Bigben Interactive S.A., which reserves the possibility of removing this link at any time.
Bigben Interactive’s websites may still contain links to other websites that are not under its control. Since it is not the author of such websites, Bigben Interactive does not check the accuracy of the information published on the websites or external resources linked to the website through hyperlinks, or which are accessed via this site. It does not carry out any oversight or have any influence over the contents of any linked sites.
Bigben Interactive disclaims all warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy, legality, reliability, or validity of the content of any such linked websites. It shall not be liable for the collection of any personal data via these hyperlinks.
The data, information and reproductions communicated via these hyperlinks are the sole responsibility of their authors.
The connection to any external site linked to via these hyperlinks is carried out at the user’s own risk. Bigben Interactive therefore advises users of this site to take caution when browsing to websites accessible via these hyperlinks.
When visiting, cookies may be installed automatically on your browser. A cookie does not allow identifying you but rather serves to record information relating to your browsing on our website, such as information relating to pages you visit or products you are interested in. This information is kept on your computer, and you will not have to enter it again when you next visit
Most browsers are automatically set to accept cookies. You may, if you so wish, oppose the saving of cookies on your computer by modifying the configuration of your browser.
Intellectual Property
Legal mentions, Copyright
The design, form and content of the site, as well as each of the elements represented herein, such as text, graphic design, images, photographs, sounds, videos, animations, databases, software and browsing elements are protected by French, community and international legislation relation to Copyright, and in particular the provisions of Books I, II, III, V, VI and VII of the French Intellectual Property Code.
Copyright relating to the above-mentioned elements is the exclusive property of Bigben Interactive or the third parties to which it belongs.
Any reproduction, representation, modification, adaptation, translation, extraction or dissemination, partial or in full, of these elements for purposes other than personal, private and non commercial use, by any means whatsoever, carried out without the express authorisation of Bigben Interactive S.A, is formally prohibited and would constitute an infringement.
Registered trademarks
Word marks, combined marks and logos represented on this site are trademarks registered in France and abroad by Bigben Interactive or its partners. Some designations mentioned on this website may be registered as trademarks even if this is not expressly referred to. Any total or partial reproduction or imitation of these word, combined or logo trademarks carried out on the basis of elements of this site without the prior and express authorisation of Bigben Interactive is formally prohibited and would constitute an infringement.
In particular, BIGBEN ®, and
® logos are registered trademarks of Bigben Interactive S.A.
Some designations mentioned on this site may be registered as a trademark by third party partners of Bigben Interactive. In this respect, we invite you to read the comments relating to trademarks contained in the product descriptions presented on this site.
Registered models and patents
The designs and products represented on this site may be protected as Designs in the name of Bigben Interactive or its partners, in France and/or abroad. Any reproduction or imitation of these designs carried out on the basis of elements of this site without the prior and express authorisation of Bigben Interactive is formally prohibited and would constitute an infringement.
The designs and products represented on this site may also be protected as patents in the name of Bigben Interactive or its partners, in France and/or abroad. Any copying of the characteristics of this patent is prohibited and would constitute an infringement.